Operating System MCQs in English | SET – 05

Operating System MCQs in English | SET - 05

Operating System MCQs in English | SET – 05


An operating system (OS) is a fundamental piece of software that manages computer hardware and software resources, providing services to computer programs and users. It acts as an intermediary between applications and the computer’s hardware, ensuring smooth and efficient communication.

Get ready to embrace the challenges, excel in your exams, and take your knowledge of operating systems to new heights. Good luck on your journey to success!

Here are 20 multiple-choice questions about Operating System MCQs in English along with their answers and explanations:

Question 01: What is the primary purpose of an operating system?

a) To manage hardware resources only.
b) To provide a user-friendly interface.
c) To act as an intermediary between hardware and software.
d) To enhance the performance of gaming applications.

Answer: c) To act as an intermediary between hardware and software.

Explanation: The correct answer is option c. An operating system’s primary purpose is to act as an intermediary between the computer hardware and software. It manages hardware resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space, while also providing a platform for applications to run efficiently. The operating system ensures that software programs can communicate with hardware and perform tasks smoothly.

Question 02: Which operating system is known for its open-source nature and high customizability?

a) Windows OS
b) macOS
c) Linux
d) Android

Answer: c) Linux

Explanation: The correct answer is option c. Linux is renowned for being an open-source operating system, allowing users to access and modify its source code. It offers high customizability, making it popular among developers and enthusiasts who prefer tailor-made computing environments.

Question 03: What makes Android OS different from other operating systems?

a) It can only run on specific hardware manufactured by Google.
b) Android applications can only be downloaded from the Google Play Store.
c) Android is primarily designed for mobile devices and tablets.
d) It uses a different programming language compared to other OS.

Answer: c) Android is primarily designed for mobile devices and tablets.

Explanation: The correct answer is option c. Android OS is specifically designed for mobile devices and tablets, making it unique compared to other operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, which mainly target desktop and laptop computers.

Question 04: What is a process in the context of operating systems?

a) A program in execution.
b) A file stored on the hard disk.
c) A collection of input devices.
d) A network connection between two computers.

Answer: a) A program in execution.

Explanation: The correct answer is option a. In the context of operating systems, a process refers to a program that is currently being executed. It represents the state of a program, including its memory, CPU registers, and other resources required for execution.

Question 05: What is the purpose of virtual memory in operating systems?

a) To provide additional physical RAM to the system.
b) To enable memory sharing among multiple processes.
c) To store frequently used data in cache memory.
d) To extend the address space beyond the physical memory.

Answer: d) To extend the address space beyond the physical memory.

Explanation: The correct answer is option d. Virtual memory allows the operating system to extend the address space beyond the physical memory, enabling larger programs to run and improving overall system performance.

Question 06: What is the primary function of an operating system?

a) Run applications
b) Manage hardware resources
c) Provide internet connectivity
d) Play multimedia files

Answer: b) Manage hardware resources

Explanation: An operating system is responsible for efficiently managing hardware resources such as CPU, memory, and peripherals to ensure smooth functioning.

Question 07: Which operating system is known for its open-source nature?

a) Windows
b) macOS
c) Linux
d) Android

Answer: c) Linux

Explanation: Linux is an open-source operating system, allowing users to access and modify its source code as per their requirements.

Question 08: What is the purpose of a device driver?

a) To manage hardware resources
b) To secure the operating system
c) To provide a graphical user interface
d) To facilitate communication between hardware and OS

Answer: d) To facilitate communication between hardware and OS

Explanation: Device drivers enable communication between the operating system and hardware components, ensuring proper functionality.

Question 09: Which memory management technique swaps data between RAM and the hard disk?

a) Paging
b) Segmentation
c) Caching
d) Virtual memory

Answer: d) Virtual memory

Explanation: Virtual memory allows data to be temporarily stored on the hard disk when RAM is full, thus extending the available memory.

Question 10: Which scheduling algorithm prioritizes processes based on their arrival time?

a) First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
b) Shortest Job Next (SJN)
c) Round Robin
d) Priority Scheduling

Answer: a) First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)

Explanation: The FCFS algorithm schedules processes in the order they arrive, giving priority to the first process in the queue.

Question 11: What is an operating system primarily responsible for?

A) Managing hardware resources
B) Providing internet connectivity
C) Creating spreadsheets
D) Managing user accounts

Answer: A) Managing hardware resources

Explanation: An operating system is responsible for managing various hardware resources such as CPU, memory, input/output devices, and more, ensuring that they are utilized effectively by running applications.

Question 12: Which of the following is NOT a type of operating system?

A) Windows
B) Linux
C) iOS
D) Microsoft Office

Answer: D) Microsoft Office

Explanation: Microsoft Office is a suite of productivity applications, whereas Windows, Linux, and iOS are operating systems that serve as the foundation for various software applications.

Question 13: What is the role of the kernel in an operating system?

A) Providing a graphical user interface
B) Managing the file system
C) Serving as the core component
D) Facilitating internet connectivity

Answer: C) Serving as the core component

Explanation: The kernel is the core component of an operating system, responsible for managing system resources, providing essential services to applications, and facilitating communication with hardware.

Question 14: Which memory management technique allows programs to be executed even if they are not entirely in memory?

A) Virtual Memory
B) Cache Memory
C) RAM Memory
D) Register Memory

Answer: A) Virtual Memory

Explanation: Virtual memory allows the execution of programs that may not fit entirely in physical memory by using a portion of the hard drive as an extension of RAM.

Question 15: What does the term “time-sharing” refer to in operating systems?

A) Managing multiple processes simultaneously
B) Sharing files and folders with other users
C) Running scheduled backups
D) Allocating memory to running applications

Answer: A) Managing multiple processes simultaneously

Explanation: Time-sharing is a technique used by operating systems to allow multiple users or processes to share the same system resources concurrently.

Question 16: Which component of an operating system is responsible for managing communication between hardware and software?

A) Kernel
B) Device Driver
C) Registry
D) Control Panel

Answer: B) Device Driver

Explanation: Device drivers facilitate communication between hardware devices and software applications, ensuring seamless data flow.

Question 17: What is the purpose of the File System in an operating system?

A) Managing printer configurations
B) Providing a user-friendly interface
C) Organizing and storing data on storage devices
D) Establishing network connections

Answer: C) Organizing and storing data on storage devices

Explanation: The File System is responsible for managing the organization, storage, and retrieval of data on storage devices like hard drives and SSDs.

Question 18: Which of the following is an example of a multi-user operating system?

A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Linux
D) iOS

Answer: C) Linux

Explanation: Linux is a versatile multi-user operating system that can accommodate multiple users simultaneously, making it ideal for server environments and collaborative work.

Question 19: What is the primary function of the Task Manager in an operating system?

A) Installing new software applications
B) Monitoring system performance and processes
C) Customizing the desktop background
D) Managing internet connectivity settings

Answer: B) Monitoring system performance and processes

Explanation: The Task Manager provides real-time information about running processes, CPU and memory usage, and allows users to terminate unresponsive applications.

Question 20: Which operating system is known for its use in mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads?

A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Android
D) iOS

Answer: D) iOS

Explanation: iOS is Apple’s operating system designed specifically for mobile devices, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience to its users.


Congratulations! You have embarked on a journey of mastering operating system concepts through comprehensive multiple-choice questions, answers, and explanations. A solid grasp of operating systems will undoubtedly bolster your career and technical acumen.

Remember, continuous learning and hands-on experience are vital for excelling in the ever-evolving world of technology. Stay curious, stay informed, and keep exploring new horizons in the realm of operating systems.

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